Tag Archives: new apartment

My IKEA experience

24 Jan

This past weekend was huge in so many ways! I accompanied Josh and his parents to Dallas to help him move into his new bach  pad. It was a whirlwind weekend and we spent about 22 hours in the car and 24 hours in Dallas, but as far as moving weekends go, it was one of the most productive in the history of time.

On Saturday night, after moving all of his stuff into the new digs and finding a deal on a couch and love seat combo, we took IKEA by storm.



As you may have guessed from the title, Josh and I both visited IKEA for the first time. It truly is an experience.

Josh’s parents had been to the IKEA in Chicago before and they showed us the ropes (and the meatballs). To be real, IKEA is gigantic. There is so much stuff. Maybe it was all the driving, moving and furniture looking we did that day, but I felt a little overwhelmed.


The showrooms made you want to buy all of the cheap, build-it-yourself with photo directions furniture. Josh got quite a few things for around the house and I snagged a new knife set and a salad spinner. Oh and a giant shopping bag.

That night we caught up with Liz, Chase and Lily- our Mizzou friends in Dallas. Sunday included a trip to Costco for a TV and a mattress and then we headed back. Here are some photos of the whole place put together.

Josh testing a mattress in Costco. Normal?

Josh testing a mattress in Costco. Normal?

It's a shame to waste a great closet on a person with not a lot of clothes.

It’s a shame to waste a great closet on a person with not a lot of clothes.

Don't find the boxes. This is after living there 24 hours.

Don’t mind the boxes. This is after living there 24 hours.

You may notice the really cool art over Josh’s beautiful red couch. We transferred some of his favorite album artwork onto canvases using this method. They turned out pretty cool if you ask me!